Due DiligenceFINRAFINRA Compliance FinCEN Updates Due Diligence Rules Laura Anthony, Esq.September 6, 2016 On May 11, 2016, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) issued new final rules under the Bank Secrecy Act requiring fin... 065900
Direct Public Offering (DPO)Due DiligenceForm 10Going PublicMerger TransactionMergers And AcquisitionsPublic Shell CompanyReverse MergersReverse Triangular MergerRule 144Securities AttorneysSuper 8-KSuper 8-k Requirements Guide to Reverse Merger Transaction Laura Anthony, Esq.March 18, 2014 01.1K00
Broker-DealerDirect Public Offering (DPO)Due DiligenceFINRAForm 10Funding PortalsGoing PublicGoing Public AttorneysMerger TransactionNASDAQOTC MarketOTCBBOTCQB and OTCQXPrivate Investment in Public Equity (PIPE)Public Shell CompanyReverse MergersRule 144S-1 Registration StatementSEC Rule 15c2-11Securities AttorneysUncategorized Direct Public Offering or Reverse Merger; Know Your Best Option for Going Public Laura Anthony, Esq.January 21, 2014 00.9K00
15c2-11 ApplicationDue DiligenceFINRAOTC MarketOTCBBOTCQBOTCQB and OTCQXOTCQXPinksheetsPrivate Investment in Public Equity (PIPE)S-1 Registration StatementSEC Rule 15c2-11Securities Attorneys The OTCQX And OTCQB Are Finally Recognized As “Established Public Markets” By The SEC Laura Anthony, Esq.May 29, 2013 054600
Broker-DealerDepository Trust Company (DTC)DTC ChillDTC EligibilityDue DiligenceOTCBBOTCQBReverse MergersSecurities Attorneys DTC Chills, Due Process and Rule 22 Laura Anthony, Esq.March 21, 2012 Back in October and November of 2011 I wrote a series of blogs regarding DTC eligibility for OTC (over the counter) Issuers. OTC Is... 052100
Depository Trust Company (DTC)DTC ChillDTC EligibilityDue DiligenceFINRAOTC MarketOTCBBOTCQB and OTCQXPinksheetsReverse Mergers DTC Eligibility and the OTC Issuer Laura Anthony, Esq.October 5, 2011 This is the first in a series of articles I am writing regarding DTC (Depository Trust Company) eligibility for OTC (Over the Counte... 063500
Due DiligencePCAOB AuditingSarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Public Company Compliance – Selecting An Auditor Laura Anthony, Esq.May 21, 2011 he Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) created the PCAOB, which is the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. All public company a... 041600
Direct Public Offering (DPO)Due DiligenceOTCBBPublic Shell CompanyRegulation S-KReverse Mergers Necessity of Background Searches on Officers and Directors as Part of Due Diligence Prior to a Reverse Merger or IPO Laura Anthony, Esq.October 17, 2009 Corporate compliance, federal securities regulations and SEC reporting requirements are highly technical and always changing. Accord... 041900
Due DiligenceNASDAQOTC MarketOTCBBOTCQB and OTCQXReverse MergersSEC GuidanceSmall Cap Market OTCBB Reporting Requirements Enable Successful Reverse Mergers Laura Anthony, Esq.October 5, 2009 045200
Broker-DealerDepository Trust Company (DTC)Due DiligenceFINRAGoing PublicReverse MergersSEC Rule 15c2-11 Market Makers Rely on Due Diligence in Reverse Mergers Laura Anthony, Esq.October 3, 2009 Learn how to quickly and effectively complete the due diligence process for reverse mergers. Florida securities attorney Laura Antho... 045000