SECSEC Advisory CommitteeSEC GuidanceSEC Investor AlertSEC Penalties ActSEC Proxy RulesSEC Regulations on CrowdfundingSEC Rules on crowdfunding The SEC’s 2017 Enforcement Priorities And Results Laura Anthony, Esq.January 9, 2018 No more broken windows! In a series of speeches by various top brass at the SEC followed by the publication of the SEC Enforcement... 042200
Dodd-Frank ActSECSEC GuidanceSEC Penalties Act The Acting SEC Chair Has Trimmed Enforcement’s Subpoena Power Laura Anthony, Esq.April 4, 2017 In early February 2017, acting SEC Chair Michael Piwowar revoked the subpoena authority from approximately 20 senior SEC enforcement... 036900
SECSEC Penalties ActUncategorized The Stronger Enforcement Of Civil Penalties Act; A Push For Higher SEC Penalties Laura Anthony, Esq.September 22, 2015 032600