FINRAJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingPrivate PlacementRule 506Securities Attorneys New FINRA Rule 5123 Takes Effect Requiring Notice of Private Placements by Member Firms Laura Anthony, Esq.December 5, 2012 The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has adopted new Rule 5123 requiring members to file notice of their participation in pri... 054100
JOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingRegulation SRule 144ARule 506Securities Attorneys Proposed Rules Eliminating the Prohibition Against General Solicitation and Advertising in Rules 506 and 144A Offerings – Part II Laura Anthony, Esq.September 5, 2012 As required by Title II of the JOBS Act, the SEC has published proposed rules eliminating the prohibition against general solicitati... 038300
CrowdfundingFunding PortalsJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingRegulation DSecurities Attorneys SEC Still on Track to Meet the 270 Deadline to Enact Crowdfunding Rules Laura Anthony, Esq.July 10, 2012 The SEC is still on track and expects to meet the 270 day deadline to draft rules and enact Title III of the JOBS Act creating the n... 036600
CrowdfundingFINRAJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingRegulation DRule 144ARule 506Securities Attorneys Comments In Advance To Rule Making On Elimination On Advertising And Solicitation Ban For Certain Private Offerings Laura Anthony, Esq.June 6, 2012 Title II of the JOBS Act provides that, within 90 days of the passage of the JOBS Act (i.e. July 5, 2012), the SEC will amend Sectio... 040200
CrowdfundingJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingRegulation DReverse MergersRule 144ARule 506Securities AttorneysUncategorized THE JOBS ACT IMPACT ON HEDGE FUND MARKETING Laura Anthony, Esq.May 8, 2012 On April 5, 2012 President Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) into law. The other day I blogged about... 029800
CrowdfundingJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingRegulation DReverse MergersRule 144ARule 506Securities Attorneys JOBS Act Amendments to General Solicitation and Advertising of Private Offerings Laura Anthony, Esq.May 3, 2012 Title II of the JOBS Act provides that, within 90 days of the passage of the JOBS Act (i.e. July 5, 2012), the SEC will amend Sectio... 036100
CrowdfundingJOBS ACTRegulation DReverse MergersSarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002SEC GuidanceSecurities AttorneysUncategorized Crowdfunding Act Signed Into Law Laura Anthony, Esq.April 16, 2012 On April 5, 2012 President Obama signed the JOBS Act into law. In accordance with the JOBS Act requirement that all crowdfunding pl... 040600
CrowdfundingIPOJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingReverse MergersSecurities AttorneysUncategorized Crowdfunding 101 Laura Anthony, Esq.April 16, 2012 As I recently blogged, the President has signed the Jobs Act including the much anticipated Crowdfunding bill. Crowdfunding is a pr... 032400
CrowdfundingJOBS ACTJOBS ACT and CrowdfundingRegulation DReverse MergersSecurities AttorneysUncategorized Big Changes Are Coming Laura Anthony, Esq.April 16, 2012 I’ve been practicing securities law for 19 years this year (phew!) and for the first time in my career I am excited about changes, b... 052000
IPOReverse MergersUncategorized Back To Basics – IPO Or Not To IPO? Laura Anthony, Esq.February 23, 2011 Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s) are on the rise once again. I have potential clients calling me daily interested in going public t... 036300