Delaware Corporate StatutesDelaware Corporations Recent Notable Changes To Delaware Corporate Law Laura Anthony, Esq.November 13, 2018 This summer the Delaware legislature passed several amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL) which impact public an... 080200 Continue reading
SEC Financial Statement Disclosure Relief Under Rule 3-13 Laura Anthony, Esq.November 6, 2018 Rule 3-13 of Regulation S-X allows a company to request relief from the SEC from the financial statement disclosure requirements if... 01.2K00 Continue reading
CryptocurrenciesSEC SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce Continues to Support Technology Laura Anthony, Esq.October 30, 2018 In three recent speeches, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce continued to proclaim her support for technological innovation and freedom... 067000 Continue reading
Capital MarketsPenny Stocks Shifting Capital Markets; Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Exits the Penny Stock Business Laura Anthony, Esq.October 23, 2018 November 4, 2018 There is a strange dichotomy building in the capital markets and what some are calling a clearing firm crisis. At the same time that... 074800 Continue reading
SEC SEC Adopts Amendments to Simplify Disclosure Requirements Laura Anthony, Esq.October 16, 2018 November 4, 2018 In August the SEC voted to adopt amendments to certain disclosure requirements in Regulations S-K and S-X (the “S-K and S-X Amendmen... 036300 Continue reading
Blockchain Technology Securities Token Or Not? A Case Study – Part III Laura Anthony, Esq.October 9, 2018 This is the third part in my three-part series laying out fact patterns and discussing whether a specific digital asset is a securit... 046600 Continue reading
BlockchainBlockchain TechnologyCFTCDistributed Ledger TechnologyDLTInitial Coin OfferingsInitial Cryptocurrency OfferingsRegulation A+ Securities Token Or Not? A Case Study – Part II Laura Anthony, Esq.October 2, 2018 This is the second part in my three-part series laying out fact patterns and discussing whether a specific digital asset is a securi... 059000 Continue reading
Cryptocurrencies Security or Utility Token? A Case Study – Part I Laura Anthony, Esq.September 25, 2018 September 26, 2018 Is it a security or is it a utility, currency, commodity or some other digital asset? That question has been continuously raised by... 058500 Continue reading
Blockchain TechnologyCybersecurityCybersecurity DisclosuresDistributed Ledger TechnologyDLTSECSEC Guidance SEC Strategic Plan Laura Anthony, Esq.September 18, 2018 On June 19, 2018, the SEC published a draft Strategic Plan and requested public comment on the Plan. The Strategic Plan would guide... 054400 Continue reading
BlockchainBlockchain TechnologyDistributed Ledger TechnologyDLTFINRAFINRA ComplianceFINRA Rules FINRA Examines Fintech Including Blockchain Laura Anthony, Esq.September 11, 2018 On July 30, 2018, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) published a Special Notice seeking public comments on how FINR... 083400 Continue reading