Uncategorized OTC PINK Companies Now Qualify For Equity Line Financing Laura Anthony, Esq.August 29, 2021 Without fanfare, the issuance of guidance, or any other formal notice, the SEC quietly changed its policy related to the filing of a... 047900
Uncategorized SEC Denies Expert Market – For Now Laura Anthony, Esq.August 22, 2021 As the compliance date for the new 15c2-11 rules looms near, on August 2, 2021, in a very short statement, the SEC shot down any nea... 02K00
Uncategorized SPAC Nasdaq Listing Standards Laura Anthony, Esq.August 15, 2021 I’ve written quite a bit about SPAC’s recently, but the last time I wrote about SPAC Nasdaq listing requirements, or any attempted c... 02K00
Uncategorized Digital Asset Securities – Progress For Broker Dealers Laura Anthony, Esq.August 15, 2021 In December 2020, the SEC issued a statement and request for comment regarding the custody of digital asset securities by broker-dea... 01K00
Uncategorized SEC Spring 2021 Regulatory Agenda Laura Anthony, Esq.July 30, 2021 The first version of the SEC’s semiannual regulatory agenda and plans for rulemaking under the current administration has been publi... 041900
Uncategorized NYSE Annual Compliance Guidance Memo And Amended Rules Laura Anthony, Esq.July 22, 2021 In January, NYSE Regulation sent out its yearly Compliance Guidance Memo to NYSE American listed companies. Although we are already... 01.4K00
Uncategorized Nasdaq Board Diversity Proposal Laura Anthony, Esq.July 16, 2021 July 16, 2021 Nasdaq has long been a proponent of environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures and initiatives, having published a guide... 060600
Uncategorized SEC Rules Requiring Disclosures for Resource Extraction Companies Laura Anthony, Esq.July 9, 2021 As required by the Dodd-Frank Act, in December 2020, the SEC adopted final rules requiring require resource extraction companies to... 045300
Uncategorized ESG – The Disclosure Debate Continues Laura Anthony, Esq.July 2, 2021 The ESG debate continues, including within the SEC and amongst other regulators and industry participants. Firmly in support of ESG... 068700
Uncategorized A Resolution For SPAC Warrant Accounting Laura Anthony, Esq.June 25, 2021 On April 12, 2021, the SEC effectively chilled SPAC activity by announcing that it had examined warrant accounting in several SPACs ... 01.2K00