Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSECThe FAST Act Updated Disclosures for Mining Companies Laura Anthony, Esq.February 5, 2019 In the 4th quarter of 2018, the SEC finalized amendments to the disclosure requirements for mining companies under the Securities Ac... 050400
Dodd-Frank ActRegulation ARegulation S-KRegulation S-XSECTest The WatersThe FAST ActXBRL SEC Fall 2018 Regulatory Agenda Laura Anthony, Esq.November 27, 2018 November 27, 2018 In October 2018, the SEC posted its latest version of its semiannual regulatory agenda and plans for rulemaking with the U.S. Office... 056700
Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSECSmall Cap MarketSmaller Reporting Company SEC Amends Definition of “A Smaller Reporting Company” Laura Anthony, Esq.July 17, 2018 On June 28, 2018, the SEC adopted the much-anticipated amendments to the definition of a “smaller reporting company” as contained in... 068000
Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSEC ABA Comment Letter On Disclosures Under Regulation S-K Laura Anthony, Esq.May 1, 2018 May 1, 2018 In December 2017, the American Bar Association (“ABA”) submitted its fourth comment letter to the SEC related to the financial and b... 048100
C&DIGAAPRegulation GRegulation S-KSEC SEC Issues C&DI On Use Of Non-GAAP Measures Laura Anthony, Esq.January 30, 2018 On October 17, 2017, the SEC issued two new Compliance & Disclosure Interpretations (C&DI) related to the use of non-GAAP fi... 055600
Form 10Form 10-KForm 10-QRegulation S-KRegulation S-XSEC Guidance On New Exhibit Rules In SEC Filings Laura Anthony, Esq.November 14, 2017 On March 1, 2017, the SEC passed a final rule requiring companies to include hyperlinks to exhibits in filings made with the SEC. Th... 01.8K00
Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSECThe FAST Act SEC Proposes Rules to Modernize and Simplify Disclosures Laura Anthony, Esq.October 31, 2017 October 31, 2017 On October 11, 2017, as part of the ongoing SEC Disclosure Effectiveness Initiative, the SEC published proposed rule amendments to m... 053300
Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSEC SEC Issues Final Rules Requiring Links To Exhibits Laura Anthony, Esq.April 11, 2017 On March 1, 2017, the SEC passed a final rule requiring companies to include hyperlinks to exhibits in filings made with the SEC. Th... 038300
Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSECThe FAST Act SEC Issues Report On Regulation S-K Laura Anthony, Esq.January 3, 2017 As required by Section 72003 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (the “FAST Act”), on November 23, 2016, the SEC issu... 044700
Regulation S-KRegulation S-XSEC SEC Eliminates The “Tandy Letter” Laura Anthony, Esq.December 20, 2016 July 13, 2017 On October 5, 2016, the SEC Division of Corporation Finance (CorpFin) announced that, effective immediately, it would no longer requ... 062900